When I was at A'ts'inna I picked up the "Airship Traveller Times" which covers news and events from the major Airship Ports around the World. Let's see what is going on around the world in 2113...
Wichita - 200 Years as the Air Capital: Coming in 2120! The current Airship Capital of the World, the City-State of Wichita, which has been the Air Capital of the World since 1920. Apparently they are in desperate in need of more workers in the plants, especially with the gearing up for there 200th anniversary as the Air Capital. Watch for more updates from this major event; the next 7 years should have alot of excitement!
Cairo, Egypt - After the great Cairo fire of 2106, the city is pleased to announce the opening of both the Hotel Bristol and Shepherd's Hotel have opened after years of work and rebuilt based on their counter parts from the late 1800's and early 1900's. Tourist and diggers are reminded that Egypt is once again the land of the Pharaohs, and to remain respectful of Egypt's restored greatness. Audience with the Pharaoh is held for tourists only 4 times a year. Please see your local Airship Tour Guide for details.
Ulan Bator, Mongolia - The emperor Bataar Khan reminds travelers be tolerant of the Tibetan Buddhists, Christian missionaries, Hindus, Muslims, and Taoist monks who visit to advise the emperor as the Khan follows in the footsteps of his forefather Genghis Khan. Visitors are welcome to take part in horse tours, archery hunting, and other traditional activities. The newly renovated Yurt Camp and Visitor Center is ready to host your visit!
Allert! - No airships of repute will be travelling to the Aztec Empire after the sacrificing of the trade ship Comerc's crew last month by the Aztecan religious leaders. An investigation is on going by the Airship Trade Authority to see if any Aztec or Trade Laws were violated warranting the deaths. All trade and travel via Airships are suspended until farther notice.
Belfast, Ireland - Ireland is pleased to announce not only the re-founding of Tara Hill Palace and the Kells, Kildare, and Glendalough Celtic Church Monasteries have been rebuilt, and are again centers of learning. Kildare Lace will soon be available for traders to order along with hand copied books from Kells and Smoked Salmon from Glendalough.
Well that is enough for tonight. Time to turn off the oil lamp, and get some shut eye. I have to go back to fixing my trap lines again tomorrow, as I have been for the past few weeks, so it might be awhile before I write again.
~ Wryn Kasa

Cairo, Egypt - After the great Cairo fire of 2106, the city is pleased to announce the opening of both the Hotel Bristol and Shepherd's Hotel have opened after years of work and rebuilt based on their counter parts from the late 1800's and early 1900's. Tourist and diggers are reminded that Egypt is once again the land of the Pharaohs, and to remain respectful of Egypt's restored greatness. Audience with the Pharaoh is held for tourists only 4 times a year. Please see your local Airship Tour Guide for details.

Allert! - No airships of repute will be travelling to the Aztec Empire after the sacrificing of the trade ship Comerc's crew last month by the Aztecan religious leaders. An investigation is on going by the Airship Trade Authority to see if any Aztec or Trade Laws were violated warranting the deaths. All trade and travel via Airships are suspended until farther notice.

Well that is enough for tonight. Time to turn off the oil lamp, and get some shut eye. I have to go back to fixing my trap lines again tomorrow, as I have been for the past few weeks, so it might be awhile before I write again.
~ Wryn Kasa
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